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    Thermochronology of the PoSen complex, northern Vietnam Implications for tectonic evolution in SE Asia [查看] Pei-LingWangChing-HuaLoChing-YingLanSun-LinChungTung-YiLeeTranNgocNamYujiSano
    The PoSen complex, located closely adjacent to the southwestern margin of the Red River shear zone represents the uplifted basement of north Vietnam and may record the motion of the shear zone. However,its thermochronological history has not been fully examined yet. Here we applied U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar dating methods to reveal its thermochronological history. U–Pb analysis of composite zircon grains by TIMS yielded an average age of 760 ± 25 Ma, clustering on the concordia line. Twelve SHRIMP U–Pb analyses also yielded a consistent result of 751 ± 7 Ma. Along with the geochemical features, the U–Pb dating results suggest the PoSen complex was a late Proterozoic magmatic complex, which could correspond to the Chengjiang orogeny, a widespread thermal event in southwest China. Results of 40Ar/39Ar dating of micas and K-feldspars were in the range of 36–30 Ma, revealing a rapid cooling and exhumation history of the PoSen complex during the late Paleogene. The time span of cooling and exhumation of the PoSen complex is slightly older than the main cooling phases of the Ailao Shan–Red River (ASRR) metamorphic massifs (28–17 Ma), but is synchronous with the early igneous activity stage in the eastern Indo-Asian collision zone of southeast China and north Vietnam. Owing to the ongoing debate about the initiation and offset of the ASRR shear zone, the tectonic force for the late Paleogene cooling of the PoSen complex is still inconclusive. The rapid exhumation of the PoSen complex could be in response to either the detachment of the Neo-Tethyan slab or a transpressional phase of continental subduction along the ASRR shear system in the eastern Indo-Asian collision zone.
    Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb ages of the Gangdese Batholith and implications for Neotethyan subduction in southern Tibet [查看] Da-RenWenDunyiLiuSun-LinChungMei-FeiChuJianqingJiQiZhangBiaoSongTung-YiLeeMeng-WangYehChing-HuaLo
    The Trans-Himalayan magmatism, which occurred extensively in the Lhasa terrane of southern Tibet, has long been related to the Neotethyan subduction before the India–Asia collision. To better delineate the magmatic duration, we report a geochronological study with 25 SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages from the Gangdese Batholith that represents the largest Trans-Himalayan plutonic complex. The results suggest two distinct stages of plutonism in the Late Cretaceous (ca. 103–80 Ma) and early Paleogene (ca. 65–46 Ma),respectively. Our new data confirm if not refine the notion that a Gangdese magmatic gap or quiescent period existed between ca. 80 and 70 Ma. It is furthermore identified that the early stage ended with adakitic intrusion and the latter stage is marked by a peak activity at ca. 50 Ma.We attribute the cessation of the early stage, and following magmatic gap, to a flattening of the northward Neotethyan subduction, and the initiation of the latter stage to rollback of the subducted slab. The proposed scenarios can also account for the southward migration and intensification of Cretaceous to Paleogene volcanism in the Lhasa terrane that demonstrates a coeval, eruptive “flare-up” event around 50 Ma, interpreted as the result of detaching the Neotethyan oceanic slab from the adherent, more buoyant Indian continental lithosphere owing to the India–Asia collision. Our model is, moreover, in general accord with sedimentary and structural geologic records from southern Tibet where subduction-related orogenesis appears to have evolved through time before India started colliding Asia.
    SHRIMP Zircon Age and Geochemical Constraints on the Origin of Lower Jurassic Volcanic Rocks from the Yeba Formation, Southern Gangdese, South Tibet [查看] DI-CHENGZHUGUI-TANGPANSUN-LINCHUNGZHONG-LILIAOLI-QUANWANGANDGUANG-MINGLI
    We present SHRIMP zircon dating, bulk-rock geochemical, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic results for Yeba volcanic rocks and a mafic dike from Southern Gangdese (SG), southern Tibet, in order to constrain their tectonic setting and origin. Yeba volcanic rocks span a continuous compositional range from basalt to dacite, although andesites are minor, and mafic and felsic rocks are volumetrically predominant. New SHRIMP zircon dating for a dacite coupled with previous SHRIMP zircon dating for a mafic dike and fossil constraints for the sedimentary sequence indicate that Yeba volcanic rocks were emplaced in the Early Jurassic (174–190 Ma). Yeba tholeiitic mafic rocks possess compositional diversity and are divided into three groups based on concentrations of MgO, Al2O3, and La. Mafic samples are all characterized by marked negative Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies and positive εNd(T) values (+ 2.4 to + 4.5). Yeba calc-alkaline felsic rocks are characterized by coherent,concave-upward MREE patterns and negative anomalies in Nb, Ta, P, and Ti, with positive εNd(T) values (+ 0.3 to + 2.6). Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes overlap among the different groups of Yeba mafic rocks;Pb isotopic compositions in both mafic and felsic rocks are nearly identical. These features are consistent with a subduction-related origin, most likely in an arc built on thin, immature continental crust. Yeba volcanic rocks are interpreted as having been created by northward subduction of Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust in Early Jurassic time. Geochemical signatures and quantitative modeling indicate that fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation played insignificant roles in the generation of Yeba mafic magmas, and that their geochemical diversity was probably produced by variable degrees of partial melting from a common but heterogeneous mantle source, which had been metasomatized by variable contributions of sediments/fluids released from the subducted Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust. Yeba felsic rocks were probably generated by moderate degrees of partial melting of juvenile basaltic lower crust, which consists of dominant underplated magmas (similar to Yeba mafic rocks in composition) and variable contributions from ancient lower crust beneath the Gangdese Back-Arc fault uplift belt (GBAFUB).
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