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    Dating of prograde metamorphic events deciphered from episodic zircon growth in rocks of the Dabie-Sulu UHP complex,China [查看] DunyiLiuPingJianAlfredKrönerShutongXu
    The timing of ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphism has been difficult to determine because of a lack of age constraints on crucial events, especially those occurring on the prograde path. New Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb age and rare-earth element (REE) data of zircon are presented for UHP metamorphic rocks (eclogite, garnet peridotite, garnet pyroxenite, jadeite quartzite and garnet gneiss) along the Dabie–Sulu UHP complex of China. With multiphase metamorphic textures and index mineral inclusions within zircon, the Dabie data define three episodes of eclogite-facies metamorphism, best estimated at 242.1±0.4 Ma, 227.2±0.8 Ma and 219.8±0.8 Ma. Eclogite-facies zircons of the Sulu UHP complex grew during two major episodes at 242.7±1.2 and 227.5±1.3 Ma, which are indistinguishable from corresponding events in the Dabie UHP complex. A pre-eclogite metamorphic phase at 244.0±2.6 Ma was obtained from two Sulu zircon samples which contain low pressure–temperature (plagioclase, stable below the quartz/Ab transformation) and hydrous (e.g., amphibole, stable below ∼ 2.5 Gpa) mineral inclusions. In terms of Fe–Mg exchange of trapped garnet–clinopyroxene pairs within zircon domains, we are able to determine the Pressure–Temperature (PT) conditions for a specific episode of metamorphic zircon growth. We suggest that mineral phase transformations and associated dehydration led to episodic eclogite-facies zircon growth during UHP metamorphism(∼ 2.7 Gpa) began at 242.2±0.4 Ma (n=74, pooling the Dabie–Sulu data), followed by peak UHP metamorphism (N∼ 4 Gpa) at227.3±0.7 Ma (n=72), before exhumation (b∼ 220 Ma) to quartz stability (~ 1.8 Gpa). The Dabie–Sulu UHP metamorphism lasted for about 15 Ma, equivalent to a minimum subduction rate of 6 mm/year for the descending continental crust.
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