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    The tectonic evolution of the Neoproterozoic Brasília Belt, central Brazil, based on SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS UePb sedimentary provenance data A review [查看] MárcioM.PimentelJoseneusaB.RodriguesMariaEmiliaS.DellaGiustinaSergioJungesMassimoMatteiniRichardArmstrong
    The Brasília Belt is a Neoproterozoic orogenic belt in central Brazil, developed between the Amazon, São Francisco-Congo and Paranapanema cratons. It consists of a thick sedimentary pile, made up of several stratigraphic units, which have been deformed and metamorphosed along the western margin of the São Francisco Craton during the Brasiliano orogenic cycle. In the western part of the belt, a large, juvenile magmatic arc is exposed (the Goiás Magmatic Arc), consisting of calc-alkaline plutonic suites as well as volcano-sedimentary sequences, ranging in age between ca. 860 and 650 Ma. Regional-scale, westdipping thrusts and reverse faults normally mark the limits between the main stratigraphic units, and clearly indicate tectonic transport towards the east. The age of deposition and tectonic significance of the sedimentary units comprising the Brasília Belt have been a matter of continuous debate over the last three decades. In the present paper, recent provenance data based on LA-ICPMS UePb ages of detrital zircon grains from several of these units, are reviewed and their significance for the age of deposition of the original sediments and tectonic evolution of the Brasília Belt are discussed.The Paranoá, Canastra and the Vazante groups, in the central part of the Belt, have detrital zircon grains with ages older than ca. 900 Ma and are interpreted as representative of the passive margin sequence deposited on the western margin of the São Francisco Craton. On the other hand, samples from the Araxá and Ibiá groups have a much younger population of Neoproterozoic zircon grains, as young as 650 Ma, and have been interpreted as syn-orogenic (fore-arc?) deposits. The Bambuí Group, exposed in the easternmost part of the belt and covering large areas of the São Francisco Craton also has young zircon grains and is interpreted, at least in part, as the foreland basin of the Brasília Belt.
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